Lesson 1 of 0 In Progress Alcohol Use Post-Assessment Alcohol Use Post-Assessment "*" indicates required fields This field is hidden when viewing the formEmail 1. Alcohol consumption increased in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic.* True False True. Alcohol consumption has increased across all demographic groups in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly notably in women.2. Mental health symptoms (anxiety and depression) and feelings of social isolation increased in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic.* True False True. Early on in the pandemic, research documented that mental health symptoms, feels of social isolation, suicidal thoughts, and substance use increased in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic.3. The use of alcohol by women increased during the COVID-19 pandemic more than the use in men.* True False True. Several large research studies confirmed that alcohol use in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic increased most among women. 4. Screening for alcohol and drug use in adults is not recommended in primary care.* True False False. The USPSTF (US Preventive Services Taskforce) recommends that all adults (18 years old and older), including pregnant persons, are screened for unhealthy or risky alcohol and/or drug use in primary care settings.5. Harm reduction strategies may be employed with persons who are pre-contemplative about their use.* True False True. If a person is pre-contemplative about reducing or discontinuing their use, harm reduction strategies can be utilized with the PWUD to decrease potential harms from their active use.6. It is key to elicit from the client what is important to them and what their goals are to set a realistic plan with the client.* True False 7. Utilization of motivational interviewing can help the peer/provider/counselor to understand the client better and build a therapeutic relationship with the client.* True False 8. If a client does not become abstinent, then the interaction/intervention was not effective.* True False 9. A tenet of harm reduction is that harm due to substance use cannot be assumed by the person engaging with PWUD.* True False 10. Getting a client to engage with you (and keep coming back) is a success even if the “goals” set were not achieved.* True False